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benefits of honey in face |  benefits of honey in face mask | benefits of applying honey in face

benefits of honey in face | benefits of honey in face mask | benefits of applying honey in face

 Honey is a natural ingredient in cotton that makes our skin glow. To get fair and glowing skin, we almost go to the parlor and do a lot of facials. But we do not get a very good result. So today I will show you how to get instant fair, radiant, and glowing skin with the help of honey at home. So you don't have to go to the parlor for facials anymore.

benefits of honey in face | 	benefits of honey in face mask | benefits of applying honey in face

Honey skin brightening cleanser: 

For this, first of all, you have to take a spoonful of honey in a bowl. Then you have to add raw milk. And then you have to mix well. In this way, you have to make a cleanser. Now the skin should be cleaned by sticking the mixture on a cotton pad. This mixture deeply cleanses all the dust, dirt, and oily feeling from your skin. In this way, after cleansing with a honey cleanser, wash the skin with water.

Honey skin brightening scrubber:

To make a scaber, first of all, you have to take a spoonful of honey in a bowl. Then add half a teaspoon of coffee powder and half a teaspoon of sugar. Then all the ingredients should be mixed well. In this way, make a scrub and apply it to the skin. Then massage lightly with your hands for five minutes and rinse with clean water. In this way, massaging with a honey scrub will remove the dead skin of your skin. This will make your talk soft and glowing.

Honey skin brightening glow message:

To do this, first, take a teaspoon of sour yogurt in a bowl, add a teaspoon of honey and mix well. Massage this massage cream on your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Sour yogurt contains lactic acid which removes black spots, soaps, and sun-burned tonics from our skin brightens and brightens the complexion. And honey contains anti-fungal which helps to get rid of various skin problems. In addition, if there is a problem with skin acne, it can be removed by anyone.

1. Honey is extremely many benefits for our face benefits of honey for face natural beauty.

2. Honey is a 100% natural product for our face it works in skin moisturizing hydrates and software and more bright skin.

3. Honey is all skin type should use but especially beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.

4. Honey helps to regulate the PH of our skin prevent and any kind of infection. Honey keeps our skin glowing and healthy.

5. Honey for the face is always a good idea it makes for an effective and is an inexpensive Beauty treatment.

6. Applying Honey regularly to our face is more healthy and younger-looking and glowing skin.

7. Honey is known to be one of the best home treatments.

8. Honey’s antibacterial And anti Properties only remove excess oil and face. Honey control blackheads and pimples on the face.

9. Honey is the perfect solution for damaged skin face. it is the treasure been 100 / 4 generations.

10. Honey is an all-natural ingredient it works wonders for our face. Honey is an Allergy reaction so be careful with your face. 

11. Someones are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria on the skin.

12. Honey naturally fights that bacteria living your process clean plus the high antioxidant content help relieve inflammation and redness that once might leave behind. 

cancer of the tongue | tongue cancer | tongue causes

cancer of the tongue | tongue cancer | tongue causes

 What are the early symptoms of tongue cancer? The most noticeable symptoms of tongue cancer are a sore on the tongue that does not heal and a sore tongue.

Cancer can develop in two separate cases of the tongue. Tongue cancer develops in the front of the tongue, while cancer in the back of the tongue is known as aeropharyngeal cancer.

cancer of the tongue, tongue cancer, tongue causes

Symptoms of oral cancer may include:

  • Red or red and white patches (leukoplakia of the mouth) appear on the lining of the mouth or tongue
  • Wounds and mouth ulcers that do not heal
  • Sore throat or pain when swallowing
  • Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally
  • A sore tongue
  • A muffled voice
  • Problems moving the jaw or tongue
  • Neck or ear pain
  • Loose teeth
  • Swelling in that area for more than three weeks
  • A sore throat
  • Thicken the lining of the mouth
  • dentures that no longer fit properly

Many of the early signs of oral cancer can be very difficult to find, so people do not notice any signs or symptoms when cancer develops early.

Symptoms of tongue cancer:

Squamous cells are thin, flat cells that are present on the surface of the skin and tongue in the lining of the digestive and respiratory tracts and in the lining of the mouth, throat, thyroid, and larynx.

Early symptoms of tongue cancer include sore tongue and the development of sores on the tongue. Additional symptoms may include:

  • Pain in the jaw or throat
  • Pain when swallowing
  • A stiff tongue or jaw
  • Problems swallowing or chewing food
  • A red or white patch forms on the lining of the mouth or tongue
  • A tongue ulcer that cannot be cured
  • Numbness in the face
  • Bleeding from the tongue without causing
  • A lump on the tongue that does not move

The symptoms of tongue cancer are similar to those of other oral cancers and are not obvious in the early stages of the disease.


However, specific risk factors may increase the risk of developing the disease.

Known risk factors include:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Eat fewer fruits and vegetables and more red meat or processed foods
  • Being infected with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
  • Has a family history of tongue or oral cancer
  • Previous cancers were especially other squamous cell cancers

Older men are the most at risk of tongue cancer. Oral cancers are most common in people aged 50 and over.

Smokers who drink very heavily are 15 times more likely to get oral cancer than other people.

Additional risk factors include:

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Chewing betel nut is a common practice in Southeast Asia

Exposure to certain chemicals including asbestos, sulfuric acid and formaldehyde

Poor oral hygiene or other factors that can affect the face such as deciduous teeth that cause irritation or tooth decay that does not fit properly

How is it diagnosed?

Anyone who is concerned about getting tongue cancer should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

At the appointment, the doctor may spend time:

Examine the tongue and mouth

Lymph nodes are examined to see if there is any enlargement

If a doctor suspects that there is tongue cancer, they will do a biopsy. This will involve removing some of their tissue and sending it for testing.

If the results of the biopsy confirm cancer, a doctor may recommend a CT scan or MRI scan, which will show if cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

Can it be cured?

Tongue cancer can be cured and the approach is better for early diagnoses. Cancers that do not spread have a higher survival rate.

The 5-year relative survival rate for tongue cancer is 78 percent before cancer has spread, compared to 36 percent at one time.


It is not possible to prevent the growth of tongue cancer. However, if people notice any signs or symptoms of tongue cancer, they should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner any doctor can diagnose the disease, the sooner treatment can begin and the outlook becomes more favorable.

There are also lifestyle issues that people can control to reduce their risk of tongue cancer. These include:

Quit smoking

Avoid chewing tobacco products or drinks

Limit alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether

Eat a varied, healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables

Practice good dental hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly and taking part in regular dental appointments

Receive a full course of HPV vaccine

Practicing safer sex and using dental bandages for oral sex

People with tongue cancer will usually need surgical treatment to remove the cancerous tissue. 

Multiple and more complex operations are needed if a larger tumor is present or cancer has spread. The surgeon may also remove some parts of the tongue. If this happens, they will try to reconstruct the tongue using skin or tissue from other parts of the body.

The surgery that involves removing part or all of the tongue is called a glossectomy. Although physicians will try to minimize oral damage during the procedure, some side effects are inevitable.

Glossectomy may affect:

  • To talk
  • To eat
  • Breathing
  • Swallowed

In addition to surgery, some people can be treated with radiation or chemotherapy to kill any cancer cells that remain.


The outlook of a person with tongue cancer depends on the stage of diagnosis and the success of the treatment.

According to statistics, 83.3 percent of people with type 1 cancer of the mouth or pharynx will live 5 years or more. It compares to 39.1 percent of people with cancer.

Sign of cancer | Cancer symptoms and remedies

Sign of cancer | Cancer symptoms and remedies

Cancer is a chronic disorder or a combination of diseases related to uncontrolled cell division. Yet the death rate from this disease is much higher. There are more than 200 types of cancer. Every cancer is different and its treatment method is also different. 

Sign of cancer | Cancer symptoms and remedies

The name cancer is terrifying. It goes without saying anything new about the horrors. In today's society, there is no one among friends and relatives who have not given life to this terrible disease. Wars, floods, and famines come and go temporarily in social life.

This devastating disease is constantly pushing human society towards destruction. A greater sage than me has given an account of its destruction. No other war has claimed so many lives in the last two decades.

There is no accounting of human suffering and loss of life in this disease. It is not possible to keep. Helpless people constantly cry out to God to get rid of this disease. Ignorance about the origin and cause of this disease and also ignorance about the medical method.

Today's topic is a cancer cure. Bangladesh's prominent homeopathic researcher Dr. wrote a column on this subject. MA Majed. And one and a half lakh of them die every year. One crore 40 lakh people are infected and 72 lakh people die in the world every year. About 50 percent of cancer patients between the ages of 30 and 69 die prematurely.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for early detection and treatment of cancer patients. Cancer is one of the most complex and difficult diseases in the human body. The human body is a moving factory.

Allah Ta'ala has created man and has determined the specific functions of each of the limbs inside and outside the body. We get sick only when we have irregularities in our daily movements and eating habits.

I got infected with various diseases. We, humans, are multicellular animals. New cells are created in the body through cell division. But if it is uncontrolled, lumps or lumps of the flesh are formed in the body.

This is known as a tumor. In many cases, the tumor is not malignant. Only swollen, it is known as a ‘benign tumor’. Malignant tumors are also known as malignant tumors or cancers. It can spread through blood or lymphatic vessels in different parts of the body and cause premature death. Cancer is not contagious in any way, that is, it is not transmitted from one person to another.

What is cancer: The body of all animals in the world is made up of countless small cells. These old cells are replaced by new ones.

In detail, a tissue that grows uncontrollably divisible is called neoplasia (tumor) and a cell with such function is called a neoplastic cell. it is called a benign or benign tumor.

What is cancer: The body of all animals in the world is made up of countless small cells. 

This is called a tumor. These tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors are called cancers. In detail, a tissue that grows uncontrollably divisible is called neoplasia (tumor) and a cell with such function is called a neoplastic cell.

Benign in the name means innocuous, but benign tumors can also damage the surrounding collar with pressure. Metastasis is a stage of cancer in which cancer cells penetrate other tissues and spread to distant tissues through the blood, lymphatics, etc. Harmful to health if we smoke then it may not be otherwise.

The first signs of cancer should be noted: Chronic If you feel tired or depressed for a long time, it can be the cause of many diseases, even cancer. Symptoms are usually colon cancer or blood cancer.

Abnormal flesh: If you see any abnormal flesh in any part of the body or you see the flesh clotting or you can understand such changes, then it is a sign of something that is undesirable to you.

Skin changes: Many people are not aware of skin cancer. If abnormal changes in its color or shape are observed, seek medical attention immediately. 

* Chronic cough If you find that the cough does not go away even after taking the medicine, it should be taken more than the winter cough. 

* If you have to go to the toilet frequently to defecate or urinate to change your bowel movement, then there is reason to worry about cancer.

Problems with food intake: If someone suffers from regular indigestion while eating, then there is reason to worry about stomach, throat, or throat cancer. However, these symptoms are usually not taken seriously. Yet illness is never to be avoided.

* Other Symptoms In most cases, the above-mentioned symptoms are considered common symptoms of cancer. However, there are many other symptoms of cancer.

Causes of cancer: Lifestyle, environment, eating habits, geographical location, age, heredity, etc. play a role in the cause of cancer. Cancers are not usually caused by germs, but in some cases, including cancers of the digestive tract, the germs have an effect on cancer.

Some tips for cancer patients: Side effects of radiotherapy or medication cause some cancer patients to have difficulty eating, including common problems: loss of appetite, loss of taste and smell, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, Mouth, lactose intolerance, nausea, mouth sores, sore throat and swelling, vomiting, weight loss, etc.

Fighting this adverse condition is often difficult due to the extreme food aversion of patients, which is mainly the result of chemotherapy. For this, it is recommended to stop chemotherapy two-three hours before and after taking food. Cancer patients will get a lot of energy from sugars and fats. Some extra meat is needed for the malnourished patient.

* Patients with uterine cancer, breast, prostate, and colon cancer need to avoid extra fatty foods. In addition, a high-calorie diet is harmful to the gallbladder and endometrial cancer.

Cancer zodiac people | Cancer zodiac sign

Cancer zodiac people | Cancer zodiac sign

 Cancer (zodiac) and depression

Cancer zodiac sign, Cancer zodiac,

Cancer zodiac sign is to share a name with a terrible disease and to gain the reputation of being an older child. Cancers are more sensitive to feelings and more harmful than depression than other symptoms.

Cancer that tries to pretend that they are OK with situations that bother them, go underground by feeling, and when things go wrong. If a young cancer is lucky, their parents support their distinctly transparent nature. But if the cancer is attacked to become ‘weak’, they will build up their emotional defenses and make them depressed and this will lead to a deepening of depression.

It’s not easy to have cancer, and Donna Cunningham (a moonshine of her own) isn’t a popular sign.

Donna writes in SkyWriter, "The organization and productivity of sophisticated corporations against oppressed people is very pleasing, frustrated in the past, very strong relationship with mother, very fond of food, and very clearly unsafe. Raising unwelcome feelings makes it difficult for others to keep their inhumane jobs." Trying. "

The lunar features of Cancer are made up of their manuscripts, Donna writes, labeled Carab as a neuroscientist. Or, as he puts it, cancer often reminds them of how they're trying to stuff - their feelings, their sensitivities, their longings for what's lost, and so on.

Moonchild finds the power to live in sync with their true rhythms that enhance the confidence and ability to cope.

And that's when they are able to reach their potential, although they can always feel the odds with the pace of life, an alternative current swimming.

It’s true all the symptoms, but for cancer, they are moving against a strong mainstream. Cultivate everything in the climate to honor this rhythm.

Mental hunger and feeding disorder

I struggled with bulimia starting from my first teenager and looking back, what I had with those who lacked empathy. This led to a lead to eating yourself and feeling full.

Both my mother and the general culture seem to have had external judgments. And since I wanted to take it, I wanted to be considered really attractive, and that means weight loss.

Health tips summer | It's getting hot! Do these to stay healthy this summer

Health tips summer | It's getting hot! Do these to stay healthy this summer

 With the coming of summer, every human being has to face this huge challenge of nature. And today's article will discuss how to stay healthy in this heat. So read to the end of the article.

Health tips summer Health tips in summer Health tips of summer Health tips for summer,tips of helth, tips for health, tips on health, tips how to be healthy, tips how to be healthy, tips of healthy, tips about healhy

Don't go out in the sun unnecessarily:

Summer becomes unbearable for some people mainly due to the scorching sun. In fact, due to the annual motion of the earth, it is very close to the sun during the summertime. This causes the sun to enter the earth in large quantities.

This sunshine makes public life uncomfortable. So do not go out in the sun without the need. The sun lasts for most of the day. Will try to stay indoors at this time. If there is no need, don't just go out of the house.

Avoid the sun when you go out:

It is not appropriate to stay at home all the time for fear of the unbearable summer sun. We humans have been able to tame the terrible elephants of the jungle. Will I stay at home like a coward for fear of this summer sun? That is not the case.

Must go out of the house if necessary. However, if you need to go out of the house for work, try to avoid the sun. Wear sunglasses and an umbrella. Also, wear clothes so that the body does not get sunburned.

Although wearing heavy clothes at this time is very uncomfortable. Because it will feel hot. However, this problem is only during the day. When the sun goes down in the afternoon, there is no problem.

Drink plenty of water and other fluids:

Excessive sun exposure during this time causes the body to sweat profusely. With sweat, all kinds of body wastes are excreted as sweat, but dehydration is seen in the body.

So you have to drink water as well as other liquid foods with water. Drink more and more fluids like fruit juice, coconut water, etc.

Eat fresh food

One of the reasons for food poisoning in summer is the habit of eating stale food. Avoid these stale foods to avoid stomach upset. Eat all kinds of fresh foods, vegetables, fish, meat, everything must be fresh.

This will save you from food poisoning. Avoid all kinds of fast food, junk food as there is a lot of food poisoning during this time of summer.

Put sour foods on the menu:

Try to include sour foods in your summer diet for body health. This sour food will protect your body from the unbearable pain of summer. At this time you can put tokadai in the diet.

This Tokai will keep you healthy from the pressure of the sun. So to protect yourself from this summer sun and to stay healthy, try to keep sour food as well as sour yogurt.

Absolutely do not eat caffeinated beverages:

Although the benefits of caffeine in our human body are somewhat, the disadvantages are much greater. Experts forbid drinking caffeinated beverages in hot weather. Because caffeinated beverages have an adverse effect on the human body in unbearable heat. So drink tea and coffee as little as you can. Try to avoid it altogether.

Corona virus: What are the symptoms, What is the virus? treatment and prevention of covid-19 disease, how serious about is the virus?

Corona virus: What are the symptoms, What is the virus? treatment and prevention of covid-19 disease, how serious about is the virus?

 Coronavirus is a contagious virus that has never spread to humans before in the world. The death toll from the virus worldwide is about 1.5 million. The number of identities worldwide is more than 6 crore. (Data updated 4th January 2021)

Corona virus What are the symptoms, What is the virus treatment and prevention of covid-19 disease, how serious about is the virus

The whole world is under the influence of coronavirus. The full name of this deadly Chinese virus - Novel Corona Virus or 2019-NCOV. This new version of the coronavirus was first detected in the human body in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Since then, the corona has spread to about 14 provinces in China. Even in Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, several people have died from the coronavirus. In China alone, about 600 people have already died.

The primary symptoms of coronary heart disease are sore throat, fever, headache, severe shortness of breath, etc. Much like pneumonia. In fact, the coronavirus lurks behind the familiar symptoms. Its bite is horrible. The infection is not immediately understood. It takes 2 to 14 days for the symptoms to manifest. The way to deal with this virus is still elusive in science.

What is a virus: A virus is a type of microscopic object or particle. And not like the five germs. They are acellular. Behaves like an inanimate object in an independent state. Viruses are binding parasites due to their non-cellular nature, which are responsible for a number of important and contagious diseases in the body of various animals, including specific bacteria, plants, and humans. They are incapable of independent reproduction. But when they enter the cell, they become alive and capable of self-reproduction. In the end, it destroys the host cell by holding the image of destruction.

Characteristic of corona: Each virus is surrounded by a tight shell of protein. This is called a capsid. The packaging of the capsid contains nucleic acids - DNA or RNA. In the case of coronaviruses, the capsid contains a monolayer, a positive RNA, which coils like a coil. The word coronavirus comes from the Latin word. The name Corona means ‘crown’ or ‘luminosity of the sun’. Because that's what they look like under an electron microscope. The coronavirus, a new species from China, has been named '2019 NCOV'. This means that the existence of this virus has been known in 2019. ‘N’ or novel which means new or fancy, ‘CO’ does not mean corona and ‘V’ means a virus.

Like other animal viruses, coronaviruses contain an envelope of extra protein-lipids in the capsid. On the outside of this mantle are protruding projections like thorns or alpin. It's called a spike. Large spikes are made up of glycoprotein compounds. Small spikes are made up of hemoglobin protein. This protein acts as an antigen and turns red blood cells into lumps after entering the human body.

How to invade: Among the animal viruses, the coronavirus and many of its relatives combine to form a large corona viridi family. Each of them uses the body of one or the other animal as a host to carry out the task of reproduction for their own needs. The virus only attacks specific host cells. This trait is controlled by genes in the virus's DNA or RNA.

The question here is, how does the coronavirus enter a new animal or human body from a specific animal? Behind this is the mutation of the virus. Viruses are sensitive to different conditions of the environment and this is why they can adapt to the changing conditions of the environment. This religion of the virus is called a mutation. Scientists believe that this mutation helped the coronavirus to adapt to humans. Gene's manipulation is also involved in this incident.

Genetic mutations: The genetic mutations of coronaviruses are essential for their mutation and death. The purpose is the same. Whether new or old, the virus forcibly seizes or snatches the host cell infrastructure. They take care of the breeding work for their own needs. Genetic mutations cause various structural changes in the virus. According to scientists, this change also changes the projection of the virus.

Genes control all traits. Multiple genes have a specific sequence. Subtle changes in the basic alkaline component of this sequence or gene result in genetic changes and changes in the character of the organism. Why the risk of genetic changes in the case of corona? The issue of genetic modification of corona has come from the source of mutation. Genetic changes occur, especially in the case of animal viruses. The genome mystery of this mutating and mutating virus is making scientists dizzy.

In the case of animal viruses, when the virus attacks the host cell, the virus binds to the receptor located in the host cell by projection. If the structure of the virus projection does not change during the change of host, the new host will not stick to the receptor of the cell. As a result, attempts to enter new host cells will fail. But if successful, the attack will intensify. This success is making the virus increasingly unrecognizable. The corona attaches to a receptor called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, or ACE-2, located in the cell membrane through its altered glycoprotein spike. Once injected into the host cell, the virus injects itself into the RNA cell during injection, or the entire virus enters the endocytosis process. Later the capsid portion is removed. Then nomologically positive RNA is made into monologue negative RNA. Using that as a mold, using the synergistic technique of the host cell, a number of positive units, such as photocopies, are created.

Tips how to be healthy | tips of health

Tips how to be healthy | tips of health

 We all want to know how to be healthy, but it seems like a lofty goal. Setting up to make healthy lifestyle changes can feel both inspiring and intimidating at the same time. I mean, where do you start? One blur you need to overhaul your whole life? The answer, you may be happy to know, is: no. When new healthy habits are adopted and their sticks are made, you can do a lot of things that make a big difference in the long run (and don’t drive you crazy in the process). Instead of trying to upgrade your health with a huge change, try these nine small, virtually painless steps instead of long-lasting results.

tips of helth, tips for health, tips on health, tips how to be healthy, tips how to be healthy, tips of healthy, tips about healhy

                 Some tips for health

Drink a glass of water before each meal: 

 Drinking the amount of water you need every day is necessary for all systems of your body to function smoothly, but it will also protect you from overeating due to hunger, which makes it easier to take a more careful approach to your diet.

Double chew on the delicacy, chewing each bite thoroughly before swallowing:

List “Reasons to reduce your roll while eating” as long as your hand, langur explains. Excessive sleep can cause the food to break down because you don’t give your body a chance to process endurance before you clean your plate and the food doesn’t actually feel completely delicious.
You can choose a few chubs for an obstacle like 20, or you can go in a less regular manner, such as not squeezing too hard to make sure you are swallowing normally.

Every hour you spend for hours, up and walking briskly for five minutes:

Sitting all day is not good for your butt or your heart. Physical activity is crucial for your longevity, and adding to it all, says women's health expert Jennifer Weeder, MD, SELF. Sometimes it can seem impossible to fit in a ton of exercise when you don’t use it, but pepper spray throughout your day is much more effective.

For example, if you follow this rule while sitting for 8 hours a day, you will be walking for 40 minutes, placing a complimentary hole in the minimum recommendation of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week.