corona vairus | coronavirus update

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In the United States of America, especially in New York, the medical system has almost collapsed. One and a half thousand people died in one day. Patients and patients in big hospitals. Many are being asked to seek treatment from home. The face is the ever-present US civilization of Dhaka. But now it is said that the face will be covered with a scarf or a cloth. For the past two days, my classmate at Dhaka Medical has been on a ventilator with a pulmonologist Kovid positive.

When Hillary-Hillary Robb turned around at the beginning of 2016, I said that Trump would be president. My juniors said, can you give me an argument on which to say that Trump would be president? I said, "No, I can make one hundred arguments." But this time around, I am not worried about how Americans will earn more and spend more. They are never met with the 'life that is Doyle's.
Trump is dreaming of more revenue and goodbye to the American monopoly business. And another idea of ​​the Americans, since we are the best nation in the world, and everybody is coming to build us with guns and spears. So make more weapons, more.
And America has an unspoken responsibility to mold the world. He needs weapons, firearms. In Iraq, soldiers have lost their mental balance while conducting immoral wars in Afghanistan. Yet they did not stop.
In a country like this, whatever the health conditions, it is easy to imagine. Trump went crazy over the welfare measures Obama wanted to take.
Now, no one knows when America will be able to handle this push. From those twenty years, revenge addicts thought America could not and did not produce an unproductive health sector would hamper production. Bill Gates, 2015, said the pandemic attack would be catastrophic if it were not the case. Noam Chomsky was continuing his writing.
The same is true of Trump's favorite Boris Johnson. They have forgotten the most important health factor in planting the seeds of hatred and alienation among the people. The British thought that if a lot of people were attacked, herd immunity would be created and the disease would come under control. Now after the attack on the queen, the king, the prime minister, the race began. Great Nightlife Hospital like Nightingale has been built.

In addition, America has created many fictitious enemies. Leading China. The defense spent $ 700 billion. Half of it and didn't have to do many hospitals with ventilators.

Other countries in Europe, and France in particular, have followed these two countries into meaningless weapons competition. Now everyone is consumed by the sudden onslaught of attacks. Some say cover the face of the niqab, others say eat azithromycin. Some say hydroxychloroquine, some ivermectin. Some want to give a convulsant serum, some are interferon. Garlic, tea is all there.

But it's not just the rulers who have gone insane. Clever media has created hype by hypnotizing people that war, sports, and shows are the life of the world. The mainstream newspapers and the publicity that Messi or Ronaldo did not accept a person idol is a waste of life. Who does not know the name of Justin Bieber's last lover, he is not human.

In this one-and-a-half life, everyone from Washington to Sydney got used to it.

We did not think the Palestinian oppression, the destruction of Syria, South Sudan and the Somali people in Somalia were any issues at all. Climate change has become a joke. The lungs of the earth did not come up with any discussion of the Amazon forest burning.

The catastrophic catastrophe did not overwhelm Taiwan and Japan, Japan, Korea, Singapore and more. Because they saw the clouds running in the sky. Corona is running ahead. There is not a single coronary patient on the tiny island of Nauru. Yet they are preparing for an emergency. This is what Germany did in February. Their mortality rate is the lowest in Europe. Only 1.4%. In Italy, it is more than 10%. Germany is testing more than three and a half million people every week. All such hospitals have been prepared before receiving any such patient. Chancellor Angela Merkel has great confidence in the nation. Justin Trudeau is leading from the other side of the Atlantic. So far in Canada, only 12 patients have died. They are well ahead of time to take action.

There is another group in the third group, which has no thoughts. Finding a non-physical solution. We are more than black. We have more heat here. Everyone has become resistant to malaria. Nothing will happen
The Equator is the country on the equator. Now there are dead bodies on the streets. No people to raise. The army is dumping everything. Ukraine has barely released its hands and feet. The mass grave is digging.



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