Coronavirus |
They predicted that millions of people could be killed by a new type of coronavirus. The Daily Mail reported Saturday in a panic around the world over the Coronavirus.
The idea was conceived as part of an important study in October last year at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, a well-known US health research center.
The first Coronavirus outbreak began in the three-thousand-year-old city of Hubei Province in central China's Hubei province on December 3 last year, just three months after US experts warned. Wildlife trafficking is believed to have spread the disease from an illicit market.
Then the deadly virus, like pneumonia, spreads throughout the country. Spread beyond China. After Southeast Asia, Europe-America and even South Asia Nepal has been diagnosed with the virus. The number of new coronaviruses infected in 12 countries, including China, has risen to more than 1,000, amid fierce fighting by health authorities in various countries to prevent the epidemic.
According to the Chinese authorities, so far the infectious virus has killed six people in China. More than 3,200 are newly attacked. According to British experts, however, the number of victims is in the thousands.
Johns Hopkins Center senior researcher Dr. Eric Toner told Business Insider that he wasn't surprised at the end of December when the virus spread to China.
"For a long time, it seemed like a new virus could spread," he said. And that would be a coronavirus. "He added," But I still don't know how infectious the virus is. We know it spreads from one to the other. But I do not know the extent of its spread. ”
Eric Toner added, "Initially, it seems to be somewhat more flexible than the SARS virus. That is the place of trust. On the other hand, it can be more contagious than SARS. At least in the local area.
Coronavirus |
Coronavirus counts:
Every day, the number of coronaviruses jumps. The previous day is chasing the next day.
On Tuesday, the virus killed more than a thousand. At least 3 people have died in a deadly coronavirus in China that day. Which was the highest number of dead in a single day. Till Tuesday, the death toll rose to 1,900.
Today, he has been added to the number of five more. So far, 5 people have died of the deadly coronavirus. Thousands of people were affected.
The statistics were released live on the website Coronavirus with live updates on the death toll.
However, the website says the number of new victims has decreased slightly from the previous one.
They are giving more information, so far in China, 4 thousand 3 people have been hospitalized with coronavirus.
And out of a total of 5,900 people affected, the situation is alarming.
Coronavirus has the highest prevalence in China since its origin in China.
The virus has been found in the quarantined crew of 5 crew and passengers aboard the Diamond Prince Cruise Ship in Yokohama, Japan. In Japan, the total number of coronary trauma cases is 212.
Meanwhile, another Bangladeshi in Singapore has been infected with the coronavirus.
According to the country's National Health Ministry, the Singapore Daily Daily Times Online reports that two new coronaviruses were attacked on Tuesday. One of them has been confirmed as a 6-year-old Bangladeshi citizen.
The man worked in an area called Seletar Aerospace Heights. Singaporean admitted to NCID's isolation ward and was undergoing treatment there, the media reported.
The number of fatal coronaviruses in the country increased by four.
The virus has been identified in at least 5 countries. Only two people have died from the virus in Hong Kong and the Philippines outside the mainland of China.
Although the number of coronavirus infections has decreased somewhat, it can reach the peak this February, said Jung Nansen, the country's top medical expert.
In an interview with Reuters, he said the situation was improving in several provinces. The number of new victims is declining.
However, the medical expert called the steps taken to control the disease. And he believes the wildlife business should be permanently banned.