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Pancreatic diseases |
Inflammation of the pancreas:
Inflammation of the pancreas can occur in two ways. Excessive inflammation or acute pancreatitis and slow inflammation or chronic pancreatitis.Acute pancreatitis:
In most cases, the main cause of acute pancreatitis is gallstones or gallstones. In addition, excessive drinking, increased calcium levels in the blood, diabetes, pancreatitis, side effects of the drug, excess weight, surgery, infection, congenital defects, ulcers or genitourinary inflammation may also occur. However, in many cases, there is no specific cause.Symptoms: Acute pain on the upper abdomen begins to spread backward. Acute pain can also cause nausea. The patient may become unconscious at the severity of the pain. At this time, fever and heart failure may increase, including bom.
Diagnosis: The diagnosis of amylase levels in the blood, ultrasound, in some cases by CITS CAN and ERCP.
Treatment: Most patients with acute pancreatitis are cured by proper treatment. At first, they were hospitalized with acute pain. At this time, the patient stopped the food and started treatment with saline and pain medication. Critical patients need to be monitored for admission to the ICU. In many cases, abscess necrosis in the pancreas can be a cyst. Field operation takes place.
If there is inflammation for the biliary tract and biliary tract, then it is best to perform biliary stone at least four to six weeks after the inflammation is reduced. After the operation, the pancreas or pancreas returns to normal.
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Chronic pancreatitis:
Patients with chronic pancreatitis frequently have abdominal pain. Food is not digested. Weight loss. The foam is in the closet. It can cause diabetes.Diagnosis: Diagnosis is done through blood tests, ultrasounds, in some cases CITS CAN and ERCP.
Treatment: Must be treated by a specialist physician. If the pancreatic drain is obstructed, the operation must be performed. Fatty foods, such as eggs, milk, beef, sour meats, any oily foods should be eaten less. Pancreatic enzymes should be added to the diet.
Pancreatic tumors:
Most of the tumors in the pancreas are cancerous. Benign tumors are rare. That's why cancer of the pancreas means cancer. Older men and women can be infected at the same rate. There are usually two types of tumors in the head and body of the pancreas. Most tumors are infected in the head. Jaundice, abdominal pain, and abdominal wheel with tumors on the head of the pancreas. Most patients are diagnosed with advanced stage.
Diagnosis: Diagnosis is done through primary history, blood tests, ultrasound, CITS CAN, MRI and ERCP.
Treatment: If the tumor is diagnosed early, the disease is completely relieved when the operation is performed.
However, the majority of patients visit the doctor late or late. The role of surgery is not so then. However, because its operation is very complex, it must be done by a specialist surgeon. The patient is fully cured when he undergoes a curative operation. It is not possible to cure palliative operations. However, some symptoms, such as jaundice, can be temporarily cured of food obstruction. In addition, doing stenting through ERCP is temporary relief.
Pancreas and diabetes:
The pancreas contains some cells called islet cells. These cells release the hormone called insulin. Insulin regulates blood glucose levels. If these cells are damaged, insulin secretion will be less. The patient will have diabetes. If the pancreas tumor is removed by chronic inflammation or surgery, the patient may suffer from diabetes.![]() |
Pancreatic diseases |
Pancreas and jaundice:
The lower part of the gallbladder flows along the middle of the pancreas head. If there is a tumor on the head of the pancreas, the pressure of the bile is obstructed by excess pressure. Then the patient becomes jaundiced. If a patient has jaundice, he must be diagnosed with proper blood testsand ultrasound. Surgical jaundice is jaundice that occurs when the gastrointestinal tract is obstructed.
Pancreas stones:
Chronic pancreatitis can cause stones. It sometimes causes severe pain in the abdomen. At this time food is not digested, diabetes is also seen.Treatment: In these cases, the patient is healed by the operation. The disease is complicated and should be operated or treated by a specialist surgeon.